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Can a Chiropractor Help With a Bulging Disc?

Can a Chiropractor Help With a Bulging Disc?

Our skeletal system is responsible for how we move, walk, lift objects, and even lie down. The spinal column is the central hub of the system. Any problems within the column can make all of those activities unbearable. You will likely feel pain in parts of the body, like your back and neck, with even the slightest movement.

A bulging disc is one of the most common spinal column problems. What is it? Can a chiropractor fix a bulging disc?

The leading chiropractor in Queens, NY, covers all the details in this post.

What Is a Bulging Disc?

To fully understand what a bulging disc means, think about your spinal column as a stack of different pieces of bones. Each bone in the stack pressing against the other is bad for flexibility, and the irritation that will follow with every movement will cause the bones to wear down quickly.

The spinal column has a donut-like cushion between each bone in the column. Inside the cushion is a jelly-like substance that helps the cushion act like a shock absorber. A bulging disc is basically the donut-like cushion on a specific disc losing shape and protruding beyond where it should be.

Symptoms of a Bulging Disc

Pain is the most common symptom of a bulging disc. However, the condition is tricky because you may not experience the pain around where the disc bulge happened.

Common symptoms of a bulging disc around the neck include headaches and numbness in the face, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.

If the bulging disc occurs in the lower back, the painful symptoms radiate from the lower back down to your leg. Lower back pain from this condition and others like it costs the nation around $100 billion annually, according to ScienceDirect.

In some people, the bulging disc pain may also come with urinary incontinence.

The Common Causes of a Bulging Disc

A bulging disc generally happens due to stress and injury. Age also plays a part as the discs start to thin down after a while.

However, different studies published in the National Library of Medicine have shown that smoking, living a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity can also cause a bulging disc, even in young people.

The General Treatments for a Bulging Disc

Like other spinal issues, medical practitioners treat bulging discs in different ways. The first (and most common) approach is to use painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications.

Other approaches that don’t involve medication may involve changing your diet to help you lose weight and practicing ergonomic sleeping or sitting postures.

According to PubMed, 73% of patients report relief within 12 weeks.

Your doctor may recommend surgery for severe cases (and when all other treatment approaches fail).

Can a Chiropractor Fix a Bulging Disc?

Chiropractic care is one method of treatment that has become more popular these days. It works for a range of musculoskeletal issues. Is a bulging disc one of these? Absolutely!

A chiropractor can treat a bulging disc, pushing the protruding disc back into position. It’s a conservative and non-invasive method of treatment that can help you avoid using painkillers frequently. It can also help you recover without going under the knife.

However, it’s not for everyone. The chiropractor will first examine the extent of the damage and then check your overall health to ensure you don’t have any other major underlying issues. If you don’t have any other major concerns, the chiropractor can draft your unique treatment plan.

Techniques Chiropractors Use in Treating Bulging Discs

Some of the techniques chiropractors use as treatment for bulging discs include the following.

Flexion Distraction Treatment

During the treatment, the chiropractor will ask you to lie down on a special table that can stretch your spine. Next, they will use light hand movements to push the bulging disc back into its right position. 

Spinal Decompression

This technique is very similar to the one above because it also involves you lying on a table — this time, a traction table.

Next, the chiropractor will manipulate the spine area to move the bulging disc. It’s also great for improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients around the area. 

Pelvic Blocking Technique

During this treatment, the chiropractor will put cushioned wedges under the sides of your pelvis. This approach works because it can reposition the bulging disc, helping it get back into position.

Massage Therapy

Deep tissue massage can also help push a bulging disc back into position. It can also improve circulation around the pain site, which is key to relieving pain and irritation.

Talk to a Qualified Bulging Disc Chiropractor Today

Are you looking for a Chiropractor in Queens, NY, to treat your bulging disc? Chiropractic Approach is available.

Our doctors accept some insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available.

Call (718) 275-1313 to schedule an appointment.

Learn more about helpful stretches for lower back pain.


Is a Bulging Disc the Same as Disc Herniation?

A bulging disc and disc herniation are not the same. Many people might say herniated or bulging disc, but that doesn’t make them the same. Remember our analogy above? A herniated disc causes that cushion to crack or damage. Thus, it is usually more painful than a bulging disc. It affects 1%-3% of the population annually, according to ScienceDirect. Thankfully, a chiropractor can treat both conditions.

Is it Safe to See a Chiropractor for a Bulging Disc?

Yes! Chiropractic treatment is very safe for a bulging disc. Many people report good results and remarkable pain relief after their first session. The entire allure of chiropractic treatment is that you won’t consume any medications.

You might experience some soreness and aching around the area, but they are temporary.

How Long Does It Take for a Chiropractor To Fix a Bulging Disc?

The length of the treatment will vary depending on your overall health. However, many people generally need four to 12 sessions over six weeks for lasting results.

Do you have questions beyond, “Can a chiropractor fix a bulging disc?” Reach out today.

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